Michael Grebas "LIVE LIFE BY DESIGN"

        National ~ Life Coach ~ Relationship Coach ~ Business Coach       

Create it NOW Coach ~ Call Michael Grebas 719-339-7402



Bring your biggest challenges and your biggest opportunities!

and let's create some answers!


When you talk with very successful business owners, they will tell you they did not get there by themselves. Our coaching and training programs are designed for today's marketplace. We will create an achievable action plan filled with achievable goals to help take you and your business from where you are to where you want/need to be. You and your team will professional life skills for business and increase productivity and improve the overall well-being of the company. 

Sign up for your free business coaching session today.



Michael Grebas Master Mind 2-hour program is the 1st step to create clarity, vision and an action plan for your future.  Growing and developing a business requires an clear understanding of core values with a very clear vision and mission statement, this is for both employees and customers. This is the why you are in business. This is your brand and the foundation of your reputation. 


Our programs are designed to evaluate all aspect of the business. We will create positive solution for growth of the business and customer experience. Michael Grebas designed a powerful leadership program to turn workers and managers into highly effective and productive leaders of the company.



Our relationship with Michael Grebas at Create it "NOW" Coach started with a small project. We heard the radio commercial and called to have a logo designed. Michael handled all of our marketing, printing and website needs. We have been most satisfied with the customer service and professionalism we have received from his company. We feel this company has been a leading factor in our success.


Thank you Michael Grebas for everything.

Jeremy Pierce J & J Construction Inc.






Michael Grebas, Key to Success; # 1 to a positive new direction: The 1st step to solving a problem is to recognize you have a problem, as simple as this sounds "CLARITY" not focus, becomes the biggest obstacle. All to often we try to make a decision based on limited information. 2nd step You have a team of people around you use them to gather all necessary information, where you don`t have a team create one, reach out and hire a coach, become a part of a master mind group. 3rd step creates a worksheet called the matter-of-fact sheet, leave the feelings and emotions out of it because they become subjective. 4th step create a worksheet of outcomes needed (what are the possibilities). 5th step Be a leader for all to see, we are all in this together, create a positive environment of positive communication and team support. And lastly do not give up you may be 1 or 2 degrees off or just a few positive steps away from "SUCCESS"!


You are one step one decision away from making your dreams reality! 

Call Michael Grebas @ 719-339-7402 The Create it NOW Coach and make it happen TODAY!